My Introduction to Crystal Healing 

My crystal healing journey began around four years ago – well, that’s when I began listening to the calls. I soon realised that all of my life, I have been called by crystals but just never knew that I was attracting them.

When I was very small, my Mum gave me 20p to put in one of those gum ball machines in return for a plastic ball with a prize inside. I was actually after a bouncy ball but instead got a beautiful jade stone in a necklace holder. I wore it everywhere and that was the first experience I can remember with a crystal. I only recently found out that Jade is a great first crystal for children because it can be used as a protection stone. It’s also considered to be a ‘Dream Stone’, which could be why I have been very in touch with my dreams from a young age (more on this to come). My parents also bought me an Amethyst ring for my birthday, which I use to wear all the time as a young girl and noticed I was picking out necklaces and bracelets made from Rose Quartz too.

I remember seeing Tiger’s Eye for the first time and I was captured by its beauty. The stone always called out to me and still does – I have the stone in forms of earrings, loose stones, bracelets, and a necklace. Early on in our relationship, my partner went on holiday to Wales and he bought me back this stunning Tigers Eye necklace and two pairs of earrings. For Me, that was such a big sign. He was bringing me confidence, protection and courage and, just like my parents did when I was young, he helped bridge the gap between me and the stones.

These four crystals are typically the ones that call to me very strongly and with these four stones I eventually acknowledged the boundless energies they bought me. I was finally open to begin my crystal healing journey. I will be writing individual pieces on: Tiger’s Eyes, Jade, Amethyst and Rose Quartz over the next few months and go through their meanings and how to best use them so you can start you journey too.

For now, what I would say is – just listen.


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